
Women’s Health Today

Praeclarus Press: Excellence in Women's Health



Five Very Common Breastfeeding Myths

In a culture where artificial feeding has become the norm.

Should Mothers Avoid Nighttime Breastfeeding to Decrease their Risk of Depression?

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett examines who gets more sleep and who is at risk for depression with reference to nighttime sleep.

Sleep Awareness

Sleep, and everything regarding sleep, on Women's Health Today.

Sexual Assault Survivors and Breastfeeding

Can we assume that women who have been sexually assaulted won't want to breastfeed?

Why Eating Less Won’t Solve the “Obesity Epidemic”

What's being left out of the discussion?

Does Weaning Help Mothers with Depression?

Breastfeeding is making me feel depressed.

Why Breastfeeding Is Good for Moms Too

We hear plenty about breastfeeding benefits for babies: what's in it for mom?

What about Swaddling?

Research on the safety of swaddling babies is contradictory.

Lying Down to Breastfeed: Mother and Baby Sleep Position

How does a mother protect her baby when breastfeeding lying down?

Safe Sleep Guide for Breastfeeding Families

Worried about whether it is safe to sleep near your baby? This guide may help you decide on the sleep arrangement that's right for you.

Will My Baby Sleep More If I Wean Her?

There is a lot of pressure on parents to get their baby sleeping through the night as soon as possible

Sleep Like a Baby

Clearly parents have nighttime needs for sufficient sleep themselves.

How Do Mothers Get More Sleep?

Another look at nighttime breastfeeding and postpartum depression.

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