
Women’s Health Today

Praeclarus Press: Excellence in Women's Health


August 2017

How Bright Light Therapy Helps Seasonal Affective Disorder

Do you dread the shorter, darker days that come as the nights draw in? Kathleen Kendall-Tackett looks at how and why light therapy can bring relief.

The Tongue-Tie Controversy and Role of the IBCLC

Why Kathleen Kendall-Tackett assembled experts round a table to discuss tongue-tie.

Addiction: What Are the Risk Factors?

Statistically women are more prone to addiction than men.

You Have the Right to Breastfeed Your Baby

An infographic on your rights as a breastfeeding mother.

Lifestyle Blogs and Breastfeeding Ideology

A study on the “Boob-Swinging Derelicts.” How does ideology affect women’s perspectives on breastfeeding before they are pregnant?

Why Trauma-Informed Care Needs to be Our Standard

What are the six key principles of TIC? The standard of care for IBCLCs.

A Tribute to Marshall Klaus

On the death of an important figure in the field of childbirth.

Depressed and the Breast: How Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression Intersect

Management of breastfeeding and postpartum depression must involve consideration of both to provide holistic care that meets the needs of mothers and babies.

Opioid Use and Breastfeeding

"The decision to breastfeed, among women in treatment for opioid use is complicated by personal challenges, social barriers, and cultural stigma."

Osteoporosis Prevention: What You Can Do Right Now

A regimen for healthy bones.

What Is the Impact of Sexual Trauma on Breastfeeding?

How does an adult survivor of sexual abuse or assault find the experience of breastfeeding her baby?

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM): What is it?

A new term for a collection of symptoms women may find it hard to talk about.

Does Weaning Help Mothers with Depression?

Breastfeeding is making me feel depressed.

High Intervention Birth and Mother’s Mood

Are pregnant women unwittingly exposing themselves to risk during labor?

It’s Not Me, It’s Us: Our Relationship’s Roots of Depression

A life relationship review for those struggling with depression.

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