
Women’s Health Today

Praeclarus Press: Excellence in Women's Health


December 2017

A Breastfeeding Narrative. Metaphorically Yours, James Akre

How to look at breastfeeding from a fresh perspective.

Breastfeeding is Our Common Mother Tongue

James Akre says breastfeeding is a universal constant across space and time.

Should Mothers Avoid Nighttime Breastfeeding to Decrease their Risk of Depression?

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett examines who gets more sleep and who is at risk for depression with reference to nighttime sleep.

Light Therapy to Treat Depression in Pregnant and Postpartum Women

Is light therapy a suitable treatment for pregnant and postpartum women? Kathleen Kendall-Tackett looks at the research.

7 Unhelpful Things People Say to Women about Breastfeeding Following Sexual Abuse

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett on attitudes that disempower and undermine mothers' goals.

Vitamin D and Its Surprising Link to Perinatal Depression, Health Disparities, and the Health Impact of Adversity

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett examines Vitamin D deficiency and the link with depression.

How Mothers Can Keep Sane During the Holiday Season

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett on how to make the holiday season enjoyable for everyone.

Our Alien Attitudes to Breastfeeding

Real-world examples about attitudes toward breasts, breastfeeding and breast milk

Did the Earth Move for You?

What's the connection between riding a bike, having sex, and breastfeeding?

Is the Holiday Season Stressful?

A touch of realism perhaps when fairytale images don't materialize?

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