
Women’s Health Today

Praeclarus Press: Excellence in Women's Health



Top Five Things to Know About Breastfeeding Before the Birth of Your Baby

It’s not the vacation you hope it’s going to be.

DONA International’s review of Battling Over Birth

Sharon Muza reviews Battling Over Birth.

Lessons to Learn from Fed is Best

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, FAPA looks at what are the issues fueling anti-breastfeeding? And how can the challenges be addressed?

Podcast: Mindfulness and the Goddess Myth

Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett interviews Dr. Diane Sanford, author of Stress Less, Live Better, on how mindfulness can teach you to be compassionate towards yourself or towards others during these types of situations.

Podcast: Mindfulness, Women, and Moods

In this podcast, Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett interviews Dr. Diane Sanford, author of Stress Less, Live Better, on how mindfulness can be used during this time to help ease a mother's mind and mood.

Ten Tips to Fend Off the Baby Blues

Being aware of the possibility and having some tools to help combat depression if it occurs or returns can be a good idea for an at-risk pregnant mother.

Pregnancy Myths from TV

This lovely infographic was sent to us by

How to Make Peace with a Difficult Birth

What makes a birth experience difficult? What determines how a mother will feel? What you can do to resolve it.

Voices of Black Mothers: A Movement

Black women as complex human individuals, rather than a population with a problem needing to be fixed by others.

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